Santa Rosa

Volunteer for Get on the Bus

Volunteers are needed now for a variety of assignments as we prepare to re-unite children with their parents with visits on Mother's Day and Father's Day. Time commitments vary upon assignment, and the program will be completed with the event in May.

Volunteer for the Sonoma Main Detention 1-2-1 Program

The Sonoma County Main Adult Detention Facility is looking for Educators who are willing to engage in one-to-one, conversational learning within the jail setting. A minimum six-month commitment is required.

Become a Volunteer or Full-Time Chaplain

We are in need of volunteers and full time chaplains for some local institutions and to expand services. Volunteers provide friendly visitation, pastoral counseling, catechesis, and liturgy regularly at Pelican Bay State Prison and three of the six jails in the diocese. 

Facilitate a Pelican Bay Victim Offender Education Group

This program requires dedication! Facilitators must be cleared for admission to the prison and must successfully complete a week-long training program in San Rafael. Groups are held weekly and last 52-104 weeks. Chaplain Mr. Sam Smolinisky and Deacon John Storm facilitated Victim Offender Education Groups (VOEG) at Pelican Bay State Prison; and recently graduated the first two cohorts of participants.

Schedule an Appointment to Explore Other Possibilities

Deacon John Storm
(707) 479-5424

Visit the Santa Rosa Restorative Justice website