Pray for the 231 Victims of Murder of 2021 in the Diocese of San Bernardino

multiple clustered candles burning

Please take a moment to pause, light a candle and pray for the 236 victims of homicide in the Diocese of San Bernardino in 2021.

Lighting the candle, we pray:

God of light and mercy, we light this candle as a sign of our willingness to be your light in the world. We remember before you our own communities; the places where we live and work; the people whose lives are connected to ours. We bring before you all the people whose stories we have witnessed and all those whose stories have shaped our lives. In Jesus, you show us how to confront violence and how to transform it into peace and justice. Fill us with your peace, that we may be peacemakers. Fill us with your truth, that we may speak truth to power. Fill us with your courage that we may bring hope to those who live in fear. Fill us with joy, that we may be your beacons in the world. We ask it in the name of Jesus, our Savior and friend. Amen.

Dios de luz y misericordia, encendemos esta vela como un signo de nuestra voluntad de ser tu luz en el mundo. Recordamos ante ti nuestras propias comunidades; los lugares donde vivimos y trabajamos; las personas cuyas vidas están conectadas con las nuestras. Traemos ante ti a todas las personas cuyas historias hemos presenciado y a todas aquellas cuyas historias han dado forma a nuestras vidas. En Jesús, nos muestras cómo enfrentar la violencia y cómo transformarla en paz y justicia. Llénanos de tu paz, para que seamos pacificadores. Llénanos con tu verdad, para que podamos decir la verdad al poder. Llénanos con tu valentía para que podamos traer esperanza a aquellos que viven con miedo. Llénanos de alegría, para que seamos tus faros en el mundo. Te lo pedimos en el nombre de Jesús, nuestro Salvador y amigo. Amén.

Please continue to pray for an end to violence and peace in our world. As Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta has said, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Let us regain hope in our communities and neighbors to become the face of God’s love for all peoples and nations

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